The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia

"So, you want into the Black Ribbon, do you? Or at least, you're interested. Good. We are a duelling society of those who have the courage to face a final death."[1]

The Black Ribbon Society is an underground cabal of duelists who fight each other to the death.

Bringers of Death[]

"The duellists are eager to dissect your latest victory: 'That trick at the end – where did you learn that?'"[2]

The tomb-colonist Feducci is a patron of fighters across London. He runs several illegal fighting arenas[3][4] around the city,[5] and those who make a name for themselves in these rings may be invited to join his Black Ribbon Society.[6]

The Black Ribbon meets at the Blind Helmsman in Wolfstack Docks,[6][7] already a hub of brawls, boasting, and spider fights. Identifiable by the black ribbons they wear, this society of duelists fights with the courage to face permanent death.[8] Their duels are overseen personally by Feducci himself,[9] and all of London is their dueling ground.[10] Feducci awards the victor a small purse of rostygold, even if they don’t quite kill their opponent forever.[9] If a duel does end in permanent death, the victor claims and wears the ribbon of their fallen opponent.[11]

According to Feducci, the current Black Ribbon has fallen far from its former glory; its members used to be monster-hunters, who looked all across the zee for ferocious beasts to slay.[12] Feducci implies that the Black Ribbon was responsible for bringing snuffers to New Newgate.[12]

Current Members[]

"You would do well to understand your opponents before duelling them."[13]

There are seven known and current members of the Black Ribbon, including Feducci himself. Past members are presumed to be permanently dead, as Feducci does not permit anyone to leave the Black Ribbon once they join except through death.[14] The known members of the Black Ribbon, other than Feducci, include:

  • Colonel Pommery, the Fierce Artillerist: A retired artillery regiment commander and notorious xenophobe, who prefers to duel with large pistols.[15] He considers anyone who requests a non-fatal duel to be a coward.[16]
  • Father Norton, the Pugilistic Priest: A priest from somewhere in the Americas, who favors blunt instruments and fisticuffs. He duels to redeem himself for some unknown tragedy that befell him in his homeland, and believes it to be a lesser sin than suicide.[17]
  • Mr Inch and His Menagerie: A well-known trainer of exotic animals and the supplier of the Labyrinth of Tigers,[18] Mr Inch's menagerie boasts badgers, a lizard bigger than a man (named Bartholomew),[19] an extraordinary multitude of snakes, and a leopard, among others.[18] When forced to duel one-on-one, Mr Inch uses a sword-cane.[20] He has some sort of perverse fondness for the Duchess.[21][22]
  • Captain Vendrick, the Drunken Zailor: An honorable knife-fighter who drowns his ennui in bottles of rum. He will not hold a lethal duel unless the opponent has insulted or injured him.[23] He is fond of the Errant Duelist.[24]
  • The Errant Duelist: Formerly a member of the Society, she left dueling behind to join the drownies,[25] much to Feducci's displeasure.[26] She battles with a gaff hook.[27] She loves Captain Vendrick very much, and in death, she hopes to meet him beneath the waves.[28]
  • Chi Lan, the Royal Fencing Instructor: A famous fencer known for her mastery of both Chinese and European styles, Chi Lan now teaches her craft to the royal children. She only duels to the death, for reasons unknown.[29] She has some connection to a mysterious spirit who rides with the Boatman.[30]


  1. Joining the Black Ribbon, Fallen London
  2. A Gathering of the Black Ribbon, Fallen London
  3. The Ring of Meat: Take Part in an Illegal Fighting Ring, Fallen London "Feducci, an exiled prince of the Tomb-Colonies, runs a makeshift arena called the Ring of Meat down in one of the warehouses by the wharves."
  4. The Painted Ring, Fallen London "A password – chosen by Feducci – grants entrance."
  5. Making your Name: the Fighting Rings, Fallen London "London's illegal fighting rings are a closely guarded secret. Death is unlikely. Pain is certain."
  6. 6.0 6.1 'Dear (title), ', Fallen London "'I have been watching your progress through the fighting rings. [...] This is my inner circle: a group of duellists who are prepared to duel to the final death in search of glory and sport. Find me near Wolfstack Docks if you have the courage.' [...] Blind Helmsman at Wolfstack Docks, was it?"
  7. A Gathering of the Black Ribbon, Fallen London "Or at least, those who are in a fit state to attend. The duellists are eager to dissect your latest victory: "That trick at the end – where did you learn that?""
  8. Joining the Black Ribbon, Fallen London ""So, you want into the Black Ribbon, do you? Or at least, you're interested. Good. We are a duelling society of those who have the courage to face a final death."
  9. 9.0 9.1 Joining the Black Ribbon, Fallen London "I oversee the duels and as patron I offer a purse of rostygold."
  10. Scout a battlefield, Fallen London "So, where is it to be? The spider-haunted alleys behind Wolfstack Docks? The genteel Tyrant's Gardens? The dizzying heights of the Flit? Whichever you choose, you will be at home."
  11. Joining the Black Ribbon, Fallen London "No, you won't get one yet: the ribbon is only worn when one has killed another member of the Society."
  12. 12.0 12.1 'Come to dinner...', Fallen London "Ah, we're just a shadow of what we were, you know. There was a time we hunted all across the Unterzee shores, looking for beasts that might challenge us. We even brought a few back here: have you ever been in prison?"
  13. Find out more about the Black Ribbon duellists, Fallen London
  14. To the death!, Fallen London "No business with the Black Ribbon? Hardly. One leaves the Society by one route only: permanent death."
  15. Duel Colonel Pommery, the Fierce Artillerist, Fallen London "Pommery used to command an artillery regiment. He finds the lack of real death in the Neath a "bloody cheat". He thinks it's probably "foreigners' work". He favours pistols of huge caliber, and he is prepared to accept a non-fatal duel if you are a "simpering weasel"."
  16. A friendly duel with Colonel Pommery, Fallen London "Colonel Pommery will consent to a non-lethal duel, although he takes the challenge as an indication of your poltroonery and lack of breeding. Pistols on the common is his way."
  17. Duel Father Norton, the Pugilistic Priest, Fallen London "Father Norton is from the Americas. Apparently he was utterly ruined by some unnamed tragedy there. His theology allows duelling as a possible path to redemption and a lesser sin than suicide. He favours blunt instruments and his fists."
  18. 18.0 18.1 Duel Mr Inch and his Menagerie, Fallen London "Mr. Inch is a noted trainer of exotic animals, and a supplier of the Labyrinth of Tigers. He likes nothing better than to have his beasts devour some unfortunate. His menagerie boasts badgers, a lizard bigger than a man, an extraordinary multitude of snakes, and a leopard."
  19. A duel to the death with Mr Inch, Fallen London "Moments later Bartholomew, Mr Inch's giant lizard, hurtles past [...]"
  20. A friendly duel with Mr Inch, Fallen London "Mr. Inch fights with his animals and a sword-cane."
  21. Mr Inch and the Duchess, Fallen London "Mr. Inch wishes you to murder the Duchess' cat-veterinarian in pursuit of some scheme of his."
  22. Murdering the veterinarian, Fallen London "But the question remains: what is Mr. Inch's interest in the Duchess?"
  23. Duel Captain Vendrick, the Drunken Zailor, Fallen London "Captain Vendrick is weary. Exploration and plunder on the Unterzee hold nothing for him but ennui. He takes refuge in the rum bottle and thoughts of oblivion. The Captain is a knife-fighter and his sense of honour forbids a lethal duel unless you wrong him."
  24. 'Come to dinner...', Fallen London "That was a good turn you did us: here is the purse from her last duel. [...] Captain Vendrick was fond of her, by the way."
  25. Confront the Drownies, Fallen London "A member of the Black Ribbon Society has taken up with the Drownies."
  26. Confront the Errant Duellist, Fallen London "You stand on the dockside with a former member of the Black Ribbon Society. Feducci has asked you to return her to the fold or reclaim her ribbon. Death has come for her, she says. She has no business with the Society any longer."
  27. To the death!, Fallen London "After a few fierce exchanges she drops her gaff hook and nods to you sadly."
  28. To the death!, Fallen London "[...] she asks you to tell Captain Vendrick that she always loved him, and that she might see him below, one day. She gurgles her last and you claim her ribbon."
  29. Duel Chi Lan, the Royal Fencing Instructor, Fallen London "Chi Lan is a fencer of international fame, renowned for her mastery of Chinese and European styles. Her desperate, haunted eyes sit strangely with her appointment as fencing instructor to the Royal children. She duels only to the death and will not speak of her reasons."
  30. Duel with Chi Lan, and cheat, Fallen London "That spirit you met on the boat looked a lot like Chi Lan. Are they related? You could repeat what the spirit said during a duel. That should put her off her stride. [...] Your duel on the Palace rooftops starts badly. Chi Lan rushes you [...] You blurt out what the spirit told you. Chi Lan is frozen by the words, dropping her sword."