The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia
The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia

"The Last Lamp-Post gleams through the fog; the furthest-flung piece of London."[1]

"A sprawling house of numberless rooms. Founded by Lord Langley, it is a refuge for those willing to brave the dark of Eleutheria."[2]

Langley Hall is an enormous mansion in Eleutheria, founded by the eponymous Lord Langley.

Welcome to the Hotel Eleutheria[]

"Here, the vanished Lord Langley founded a home away from home; a London for the exiled, the lost and the lovelorn. Distance is suspended inside; no one has ever claimed to have charted the entirety of the limitless hall."[3]

Langley Hall is primarily inhabited by exiles, criminals, and those who are lost. More specifically, Lord Langley invited those who aren't accepted, or don't feel accepted, by New London. The Hall itself is quite well-furnished, with enough provisions to satiate a dozen parties at once. However, the Hall's unintuitive and confusing interior can make it difficult to navigate; no one has ever mapped this place completely, they say.[4]

Those who leave the building after a night or two have an unnerving desire to return immediately. Staying here for a short period of time usually relieves the issue, but this isn't exactly an easy proposition, as the mansion is bounded on the outside but nigh-unbounded on the inside. This phenomenon is known as the Treachery of Distance.[5]

Lord Langley himself doesn't come out too often. He usually resides within his personal chambers or the ballroom. Currently, he's draped in melancholy from losing his lover; many people love him, but Langley only loves one person back.[6]

Sanctuary for the Outcasts[]


"Are you quite sure you want to know this?"

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Langley Hall is heavily implied to have been built from the remains of the Scrive-Spinster's original grand library. The Halved tasked Lord Langley with building a sanctuary from the remains of this library for reasons unknown.

Tourists are lured back to the Hall because the Halved inscribed Lord Langley's body with Correspondence sigils that attract people.[6]

