The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia
The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia

"A fledgling colony trying to dig its fingernails deep enough into the spongy, fungal fabric of the Reach to cling on when hard times come. It is a sad truth that many more settlements are founded than flourish."[1]

Hybras is an isolated colony built among giant, fungus-ridden Bronzewood logs.

Growth Asks No Licence[]

"Life moves slowly here. There are arguments over the rules of bowls, and the correct amount of time to steep tea. The Station Master seems to avoid the villagers. There is an unusual unique quality to the starlight which filters through the underside of the caps."[2]

Hybras is basically a retirement home in space, perhaps as dismal as a retirement home can get. Many of its residents are octogenarians (that is, eighty-something years old).[3] Despite the rampant fungal growths, blemmigans,[4] and other dangers, the colonists are unusually welcoming towards visitors, at least compared to most of the High Wilderness's settlers. They'll gladly invite travelers in for a bout of tea and games.[5][6]

The Wizened Mayor claims that the reason that he and the townsfolk are staying in Hybras is because they are enjoying a "second youth" of sorts. They were all workers from the backbreaking Brabazon Workworld, and their old age is the result of the Workworld's wobbly time distortions. After being worked nearly to death, many of them just want to kick back and have fun.[7][8]

Hybras, Deserted[]


"There are some things we were not meant to know, they say. But you wouldn't be down here if you took that seriously."

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"The colonists' houses are dark, and there is no sign of a soul about. The smithy is empty. No smoke comes from the Brendan's chimneys. The fretwork on the town hall remains unfinished. A bee laced with curling fronds flies by, its drone the only sound in Hybras."[9]


Old Settlers.

The Villagers aren't exactly satisfied with their lost youths, and plan to do something about this. Could they enlist the help of a fungus to get their vitality back,[10] or could they bargain with the Fingerkings?[11] Only time will tell, and these souls haven't much of that left in their current states...

