The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia

"G is lost in GANT, which remains when all other colours are eaten. Gant can be found where shadows are myriad."[1]


The color of the Neathbow that one sees in the dark, gant is more beige than one might expect.[2] It is likely inspired by the color eigengrau, which people in real life reportedly see in the absence of light.[3] It may also be a reference to cosmic latte, the beige-colored average color of the universe.


Gant light consumes other colors around it.[4] Zee-beasts go to a place called the Gant Pole to die.[5]


Gant is the color of the Eater of Names' boat,[6] and perhaps most notoriously, it is also the color of the Avid Horizon's gate.[7]

Gant ink is used to remove false tattoos;[8] it also can be used as an invisible ink, meant for writing Licentiates' aliases.[9] While still visible, gant ink might remind one of tarnished silver.[10]


