The Fifth City: Fallen London's Lore Wikia

"There are some things we were not meant to know, they say. But you wouldn't be down here if you took that seriously."

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"The station is pinned to the surface of Aigul. Once it was a roving vessel, the Fortas Kettle, and floated freely from place to place. Now it is stuck on spines of fluke-rock."[1]

Aigul is a huge, stationary lorn-fluke. When a British zubmarine, the Fortas Kettle, was sunk by its spines, London turned the whole mess into Station VI.

Memories Layered with Memories[]

"There is a scent of green bitter things, of fermentation. (Cactus pulp renders an acceptable wine.) Someone once died in a desert and you are traversing the cause of their death. (They lived long enough to regret.) Here is the memory of a dying man seeing a vulture overhead. (The sky.)"[2]

Aigul is a stationary lorn-fluke filled with an enormous amount of regrets taken from a variety of different sources, ranging from infants to living celestial bodies.[3][4] The main way of amassing these painful memories involves a person being stabbed by one of Aigul's many spines. This process relieves a person of their regrets; as a result, people from all across the Unterzee travel here to let themselves be pierced and freed from bitter memories.[5]

(We may occasionally break down a wall or two. Don't mind it.)

The Crew[]

"When there is nothing left of my skin but the spines of Aigul, then I will be allowed to rest," says the First Mate. "Until then, if I cannot alleviate these sorrows, I must at least bear witness."[6]


The First Mate. Art from Sunless Sea

The crew of Aigul, using Rubbery rituals not unlike the Shapeling Arts, are capable of growing regrets into spines. No, not backbones; rather, they are protrusions, similar to those of the Lorn-Fluke. The First Mate is an expert in this field, to the point that this unfortunate person of mysterious and indistinct gender is quite deformed.[7][8][9]

These spines are used to store regrets, in the hope that they may possibly alleviate them, though this process is extremely addictive. The Captain of the crew, a formerly jovial man, is in a state of perpetual ailing and injury; a particularly obnoxious wound opens every time the First Mate grows another regret. Due to the crew's fierce dedication to their Captain (to the point that the First Mate considered wedding him), none of the crew members can leave.[10][11]

(The First Mate would give up anything for the Captain, except us.)

Historical and Cultural Inspirations[]

Aigul is a Turkic feminine name meaning "moonflower"/"flower of the moon."[12]

